CONP Portal | Dataset

The Cuban Human Brain Mapping Project (EEG, MRI, and Cognition dataset)
Creators: Cuban Center for Neuroscience, La Habana, Cuba, Pedro A. Valdes-Sosa
Principal Investigator: Pedro A. Valdes-Sosa
Contact: Dr. Pedro A. Valdes-Sosa:
Licenses: CC BY-NC-SA
Version: 1.0
Modalities: EEG MRI cognition
Size: 27.0 GB
No of Files: 4521
No of Subjects: 282
Primary Publications:
  • Multimodal quantitative neuroimaging databases and methods: The Cuban human brain mapping project. Gertrudis Hernandez-Gonzalez et al. Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, Volume 42, Issue 3, 2011.
  • A quantitative EEG toolbox for the MNI Neuroinformatics ecosystem: normative SPM of EEG source spectra. Jorge F. Bosch-Bayard et al. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics (in press). 10.3389/fninf.2020.00033
  • Crystallized and fluid intelligence are predicted by microstructure of specific white‐matter tracts. Daylin Gongora et al. Human Brain Mapping, Volume 41, Issue 4, 2020.
Metadata file: DATS.json
Acknowledges: National Natural Science Foundation of China, CNS Program of UESTC
The Cuban Human Brain Mapping Project (CHBMP) repository is an open multimodal neuroimaging and cognitive dataset from 282 healthy participants (31.9 ± 9.3 years, age range 18–68 years). This dataset was acquired from 2004 to 2008 as a subset of a larger stratified random sample of 2,019 participants from La Lisa municipality in La Habana, Cuba. The exclusion included presence of disease or brain dysfunctions. The information made available for all participants comprises: high-density (64-120 channels) resting state electroencephalograms (EEG), magnetic resonance images (MRI), psychological tests (MMSE, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale -WAIS III, computerized reaction time tests using a go no-go paradigm), as well as general information (age, gender, education, ethnicity, handedness and weight). The EEG data contains recordings with at least 30 minutes duration including the following conditions: eyes closed, eyes open, hyperventilation and subsequent recovery. The MRI consisted in anatomical T1 as well as diffusion weighted (DWI) images acquired on a 1.5 Tesla system. The data is available for registered users on the LORIS database which is part of the MNI neuroinformatics ecosystem.

Dataset README information

The Cuban Human Brain Mapping Normative database

The Cuban Human Brain Mapping Project (CHBMP) repository is
an open multimodal neuroimaging and cognitive dataset from 282 healthy participants (31.9
± 9.3 years, age range 18–68 years).

This dataset was acquired from 2004 to 2008 as a subset
of a larger stratified random sample of 2,019 participants from La Lisa municipality in La
Habana, Cuba. The exclusion included presence of disease or brain dysfunctions.

The information made available for all participants comprises: high-density (64-120 channels)
resting state electroencephalograms (EEG), magnetic resonance images (MRI), psychological
tests (MMSE, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale -WAIS III, computerized reaction time tests
using a go no-go paradigm), as well as general information (age, gender, education, ethnicity,
handedness and weight).

  • The EEG data contains recordings with at least 30 minutes duration including the following
    conditions: eyes closed, eyes open, hyperventilation and subsequent recovery.
  • The MRI consisted in anatomical T1 as well as diffusion weighted (DWI)
    images acquired on a 1.5 Tesla system.

The data is available for registered users on the LORIS
database which is part of the MNI neuroinformatics ecosystem (

Download Using DataLad

CircleCI status

The following instructions require a basic understanding of UNIX/LINUX command lines. Future portal functionality may include downloads directly from the web browser. Dataset download is currently enabled through DataLad.

Note: The conp-dataset requires version >=0.12.5 of DataLad and version >=8.20200309 of git-annex.

To install DataLad on your system, please refer to the install section of the DataLad Handbook (installation via miniconda is recommended in order to obtain the latest version of DataLad).

1) Initiate the CONP dataset

To initiate the CONP dataset (conp-dataset), run the following command in the directory where you want CONP datasets to be installed:

datalad install

2) Install the CHBMP dataset

To install the dataset, go into the created conp-dataset directory and run datalad install on the dataset CHBMP:

cd conp-dataset
datalad install projects/CHBMP

3) Download the CHBMP dataset

Now that the DataLad dataset has been installed, go into the dataset directory under projects/CHBMP.

cd projects/CHBMP

Note that files visible in the dataset are symlinks and will need to be downloaded manually using the datalad get command in the dataset directory:

datalad get <filepath>

Note, if you run datalad get * command, all the files present in the dataset directory will be downloaded.

For more information on how DataLad works, please visit the DataLad Handbook documentation .