CONP Portal | ePRS_5HTT

Run Locally Using Boutiques
Click here for instructions
Run on the CBRAIN Platform
Click here to begin
Run on HPCs with Clowdr
Compute Canada
Click here for instructions


Patricia Pelufo Silveira Lab


Run ePRS_5HTT script, for example see

Container Image:

type: singularity

index: docker://

image: silveiralab/eprs_5htt


How to run the tool locally

CONP pipelines can be easily installed and run on any computer wth a container engine. The preferred container for the tool is available in the Container Image field above. For detailed information on how to use Boutiques, please visit this tutorial.

1. List the inputs/outputs needed for the pipeline to run

Note: this command will list only the required options to run the pipeline. To view the complete list of options, use

bosh example --complete zenodo.4685127

2. Create an invocation JSON file based on the output of the bosh example

3. Run the pipeline with the invocation JSON file created in 2.

Note: the option -s will show STDERR, STDOUT in the terminal. The option -v allows mounting a directory from your system onto the container engine.