CONP Portal | Dataset

MICA-MICs: a dataset for Microstructure-Informed Connectomics
Creators: Jessica Royer, Raul Rodriguez-Cruces, Shahin Tavakol, Sara Lariviere, Peer Herholz, Qiongling Li, Reinder Vos de Wael, Casey Paquola, Oualid Benkarim, Bo-yong Park, Alexander J. Lowe, Daniel Margulies, Jonathan Smallwood, Andrea Bernasconi, Neda Bernasconi, Birgit Frauscher, Boris C. Bernhardt
Contact: Jessica Royer,
Licenses: CC0
Version: 1.1
Size: 70.0 GB
No of Files: 11284
No of Subjects: 50
Primary Publication: An open MRI dataset for multiscale neuroscience. Jessica Royer et al. bioRxiv.
Metadata file: DATS.json
Acknowledges: Canadian Institute of Health Research , Canadian Open Neuroscience Platform, Canada Research Chairs program, National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
The MICA-MICs dataset provides raw and fully processed multimodal neuroimaging data acquired in 50 healthy control participants at a filed strength of 3T. Modalities include high-resolution anatomical (T1-weighted), microstructurally-sensitive (quantitative T1), diffusion-weighted and resting-state functional imaging. In addition, MICA-MICs provides ready-to-use connectomes built across multiple parcellation schemes based on brain anatomy, function, and histology (18 parcellations in total). Processed matrices are available for each imaging modality across a range of parcellation scales.

Dataset README information

MICA-MICs: a dataset for Microstructure-Informed Connectomics

The human brain is a highly interconnected network which can be described at multiple spatial and temporal scales. Neuroimaging, in particular magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), has provided a window into brain structure and function, offering versatile contrasts to assess its multiscale organization. Here, we leverage the rich descriptions of brain structure and function offered by MRI to further our understanding of human brain organization across modalities and spatial scales. MICA-MICs is a dataset for microstructure-informed connectomics providing raw and fully processed multimodal neuroimaging data acquired in 50 healthy control participants at an MRI field strength of 3T. Modalities include high-resolution anatomical (T1-weighted), microstructurally-sensitive (quantitative T1), diffusion-weighted, and resting-state functional imaging. We additionally provide users with ready-to-use connectomes built across multiple parcellation schemes based on histology (e.g. Von Economo), sulco-gyral landmarks (e.g. Desikan-Killiany), and function (e.g. Schaefer atlases), for a total of 18 different parcellations of varying spatial scale. All connectome matrices were generated using micapipe (, a robust pre-processing pipeline for multimodal neuroimaging data. By granting access to data modalities at different pre-processing stages, this dataset will streamline the development of novel approaches to study complex interactions between regional and networks-level properties of the human brain.

Please cite the following reference if you use this dataset:
Royer, J., Rodriguez-Cruces, R., Tavakol, S., Lariviere, S., Herholz, P., Li, Q., Vos de Wael, R., Paquola, C., Benkarim, O., Park, B., Lowe, A.J., Margulies, D.S., Smallwood, J., Bernasconi, A., Bernasconi, N., Frauscher, B., Bernhardt, B.C., 2021. An open MRI dataset for multiscale neuroscience. bioRxiv 2021.08.04.454795.

Download Using DataLad

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The following instructions require a basic understanding of UNIX/LINUX command lines. A subset of open datasets on the Portal are also available through a browser-based download button. The instructions below regard dataset download with the use of DataLad. To install DataLad on your system, please refer to the install section of the DataLad Handbook .

Note: For maximum compatibility with conp-dataset, the CONP recommends versions 3.12+ of Python, 10.20241202+ of git-annex, and 1.1.4+ of datalad.

1) Initiate the CONP dataset

Run the following command in the directory where you want the CONP dataset (conp-dataset) to be installed:

2) Install the mica-mics dataset

To install the mica-mics dataset, run the following commands to move into the "projects" subdirectory under the "conp-dataset" directory (created in the previous step) and run datalad install:

3) Download data from the mica-mics dataset

Now that the dataset has been installed, go into the mica-mics dataset directory.

The files visible after installing the dataset but before downloading (in the next step) are symbolic links and need to be downloaded manually using the datalad get command:

If you run datalad get * command, all the files available in the dataset directory will be downloaded.

For more information on how DataLad works, please visit the DataLad Handbook documentation.